

2-8 Nov.

2 gagnants

The Gisler Pie Company

The Gisler Pie Company

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Le concours

🚨‼️‼️EVERTON PARK POP UP SALE‼️‼️🚨 SATURDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 10AM-4PM FACTORY SECONDS POP UP TRUCK SALE📢📢🚨🚨 Southpine Road, Everton Park. Bottom Carpark near the lights! Special thanks to Everton Park Spotlight for teaming up with us to bring our goods to more people! We're all for looking after the community. We are giving away 2 x $50 vouchers! 🥧🥧🚨🚨🚨 🚨LIKE and Share this Post 🚨TAG 4 people 🚨LIKE The Gisler Pie Company page 🚨Winners drawn Friday 8th Nov 7pm *No exchanges, no cash and must be used at this sale, if you enter the draw, please check FB to see if you're a winner. Our Pies, sweets, cakes and baked goods will all be available, pre packaged (cold) from our truck onsite on the day. We have cash and card, bring your bags!

Les gagnants

Félicitations aux gagnants !

  • 1er

    @Peter K Wakefield

    “Maddie Luck Irene Wakefield Lily Wakefield Samantha Wakefield”

  • 2e

    @Tony Mohr

    “Brian Richards Zane Ronald Ackland Lorraine Mohr Shane Crouch”

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